Monday, September 15, 2014

One Year Since You've Been Gone

To an uncle whom I missed dearly. There are no words to describe my feelings when news came that you had passed on. The news of your passing was too sudden, and everyone who had known you were left speechless and shock. I never get the chance to tell you how much I respected and cared for you. 

While growing up, I've always seen you smiling, telling jokes and entertained us when we're together. I was always the quiet girl with a book in my hand to avoid eye contact. Despite my quiet personality and unsocial attitude, you always find ways to coach me to talk and make a joke to make me smile. Even after so many years you never failed to make me laugh, even though you had told the jokes several times. 

I remembered few nights before you left, I knew that you were losing appetite but you just dismissed it and telling us that you're full. It was unlike you because you always have a hearty meal when you're with us.  

I regret that I seldom talk to you when you were around. I always take it for granted thinking that you'll be with us for many years to come. Looking back then, I realise how selfish and inconsiderate I can be as you always wanted to spend more time with us during the weekends. Every Saturday night is our family gathering time.

I missed you Uncle Ben. I regret that I never get the chance to bid farewell on the day you passed away. I always thought that you're a strong man who will come out from anything. Even the last operations you had was a success and the doctor even declared that you're healthy and recovering well.

I will treasure the memories we had and remember the laughter and joy that you have given us. It was not the same after you're gone. Somehow the family dinner seem so much quiet and empty without your laughter and your presence.

The only comfort I have was that you did not suffer and that you had passed away peacefully. My only regret that I wasn't there to say goodbye and thanked you for being a great uncle in my well to the rest of the people you had touched and helped. Uncle Ben, thank you for being a great uncle. You will be missed from all of us.

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