Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Review: Meiji Amino Collagen

I've always been a fan of collagen. If there is any sale on these products or any new products I will not be hesitate to buy them. But when I went back to study, many of these items or my favorite massage and facial have to be put off. However, I noticed lately that my face is showing sign of wrinkles and eye bags, I realise I have to do something about it (I know, I am quite vain about it, who wouldn't?!?).  Although taking care of your face and having a good night sleep is essential, but our body is reducing the collagen that we need in our body as we age [Yes...I am getting older (T.T)]. However, I have been reading some reviews about Meiji Amino Collagen and that it helps to bring some perks in our skin. I decided that I should try out this product, since they were on sales in Watson.
The package I bought consists of two cans of 200mg each (which can last me approximately 2 months) and 7 days sachets, which cost me SDG$99.90. It is kind of pricey, but then this product can last me for two months, compared to some products which will cost me SGD$40 for only a 6 or 10 days of consumption. To start off with, some photos of the product.
The front view of the tin.

The content of the powder inside with the spoon.

The smell seems okay to me although there are some reviews mentioned that the smell of the fish is quite strong. Somehow I find the smells quite pleasant and still acceptable, maybe due to the long term users of Scott’s Emulsion Cold Liver oil (I prefer the original flavors).  Anyhow, I usually mixed it with a cup of cold milk or a cup of hot Milo because I find that the taste is more pleasant, compared with mixing it with fruit juice.  

And after using, there is a cap cover where u can close the can before putting away. 

So far, there is still no significant changes since I only try this out in a short period of time (3 weeks). I think you'll  only see results if you continued consuming this product after a month or so . Of course it depends on each individual and how well it can absorb by our body. I will give another review after one month and update you on these products. =)

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