Wednesday, March 18, 2020

First Day Lockdown & A Trip To The Hospital 😟

Today is the start of the lockdown until the end of March. Although we're supposed to stay at home we went to the hospital since we had made an appointment weeks ago to see our doctor. We couldn't cancel the appointment since the medication we need requires doctor's prescriptions. 

When we arrived at the entrance we need to fill up a declaration form before entering 😅  

Went through the screening when we enter the premise. 

We have to keep this form while we were here and return this form when we leave. 

The place was less crowded as compared to my previous visit. 
I guess most people are avoiding places such as the hospital 😅

The stores that are selling food and beverages were open for business but only for takeaways. 

People entering via the car park requires to fill-up the form and screening before entering the premise too. 

And yes....precaution has to be taken. Most (not all) people who are in the hospital are wearing a face mask. I was pretty tired due to lack of sleep the night before (too much worry before coming here)

The floor we were at was pretty empty when we arrived in the morning, but as it proceeds to noon it became crowded. Although we waited a while to see the doctor, the only complaint we have is the long waiting time while making payment (took more than half an hour to make payment & collection of medication). When we asked the staff why it was taking so long, what annoyed my mum is their reply....'I don't know'...despite the counter being practically empty 😅 We wouldn't mind waiting if there was a reason but mum was pretty infuriated by their answer. 

I took a picture of the notice board for the visiting hours to the hospital. Click the picture below for a bigger image. 

Not sure how is it the next few days or when the lockdown is over, but for now I'll be taking some time to relax and do some cleanup & decluttering during these two weeks of isolation at home. 

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